Minecraft Computer

July 2019

A Turing-complete 8-bit computer built in the game Minecraft.

The fully built computer, pictured computing the Fibonacci sequence (if you look closely, the display reads 233.)
The fully built computer, pictured computing the Fibonacci sequence (if you look closely, the display reads 233.)

Above, you can see the 8-bit computer that I designed and built in the video game Minecraft using its redstone logic system. A line of redstone can either be on or off, much like how computers work at the lowest level. The computer runs a basic assembly instruction set of my own creation, and these instructions are hand-loaded into RAM before boot. The computer is capable of basic arithmetic, looping, conditional branching, and more. One of the more elaborate programs I wrote is seen executing above – it computes the Fibonacci sequence and displays the current value on the 7-segment display, halting the CPU when the sequence overflows.

Instruction Set

Each instruction is 8 bits long, and are stored in RAM as 3 bits of opcode followed by 5 bits of data, which is usually a memory address. The instruction set is as follows:

000NOPNo operation
001LDALoad into register A from memory address
010ADDAdd contents of memory address to register A
011SUBSubtract contents of memory address from register A
100STOStore register A at memory address
101JMPUnconditional jump to memory address
110JMCJump to memory address if carry flag is set (can also be configured to be the zero flag depending on the program’s requirements)

The individual microcode operations comprising each instruction are stored in ROM, a large grid of redstone torches which controls which control lines should be on or off during each step of an instruction. Instructions can range from 2 to 5 clock cycles long, depending on the operation being performed. Combining this with the low clock speed due to redstone’s inherent propagation delay, programs can take a painfully long time to execute – though they do run!

While 32 bytes of RAM and an instruction set this small is definitely on the minimalist side, it is still capable of a surprising amount when running some clever hand-written assembly.


The ALU contains two registers, A and B, which are 8 bits wide. A is directly interacted with by user code (LDA, STO), while B is used implicitly during ADD and SUB operations. The result of a calculation is automatically placed back in the A register to allow efficient chaining of multiple operations. The ALU also contains a carry flag, which is set if the result of an operation is greater than 255 or less than 0.

A close-up shot of the ALU during construction. The program counter is also visible off to the left.
A close-up shot of the ALU during construction. The program counter is also visible off to the left.


I am planning a second version of this computer, which will be closer to something like a MOS 6502, or even maybe RISC-V. It will also likely have a GPU to allow for drawing, graphing, and other things not possible on a 7-segment display.